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azure_mgmt_relay 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Relay Library for Ruby

31,577 下載

azure_mgmt_reservations 0.20.0

Official Ruby client library to consume Reservations

149,301 下載

azure_mgmt_resourcegraph 0.17.2

Microsoft Azure Resource Graph Library for Ruby

11,666 下載

azure_mgmt_resource_health 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume ResourceHealth

8,186 下載

azure_mgmt_resources 0.18.2

Microsoft Azure Resource Management Client Library for Ruby

7,224,182 下載

azure_mgmt_resources2 1.0.1

Microsoft Azure Resource Management Client Library for Ruby

9,805 下載

azure_mgmt_resources_management 0.17.2

Microsoft Azure Resources Management Library for Ruby

29,791 下載

azure_mgmt_scheduler 0.17.2

Microsoft Azure Scheduler Management Client Library for Ruby

63,832 下載

azure_mgmt_search 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Search Management Client Library for Ruby

65,666 下載

azure_mgmt_security 0.19.0

Microsoft Azure Security Management Client Library for Ruby

1,800,031 下載

azure_mgmt_security_insights 0.17.0

Official Ruby client library to consume SecurityInsights

2,137 下載

azure_mgmt_serialconsole 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Serialconsole

9,929 下載

azure_mgmt_server_management 0.16.0

Microsoft Azure Server Management Client Library for Ruby

38,753 下載

azure_mgmt_service_bus 0.17.4

Microsoft Azure Service Bus Management Client Library for Ruby

56,200 下載

azure_mgmt_service_fabric 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Library for Ruby

32,931 下載

azure_mgmt_signalr 0.17.5

Microsoft Azure Signalr Library for Ruby

27,727 下載

azure_mgmt_sql 0.19.1

Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library for Ruby

1,984,434 下載

azure_mgmt_sqlvirtualmachine 0.18.2

Microsoft Azure SQL Virtual Machine Management Client Library for Ruby

17,471 下載

azure_mgmt_storage 0.23.0

Microsoft Azure Storage Management Client Library for Ruby

4,804,072 下載

azure_mgmt_storagecache 0.19.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Storagecache

22,721 下載

azure_mgmt_storagesync 0.18.1

Microsoft Azure StorageSync Library for Ruby

14,257 下載

azure_mgmt_stor_simple8000_series 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Stor Simple 8000 Series Library for Ruby

31,498 下載

azure_mgmt_stream_analytics 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics Client Library for Ruby

38,053 下載

azure_mgmt_subscriptions 0.18.5

Microsoft Azure Subscription Management Client Library for Ruby

606,364 下載

azure_mgmt_support 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Support

7,607 下載

azure_mgmt_synapse 0.17.4

Official Ruby client library to consume Synapse

12,588 下載

azure_mgmt_time_series_insights 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume TimeSeriesInsights

7,994 下載

azure_mgmt_traffic_manager 0.17.4

Microsoft Azure Traffic Management Client Library for Ruby

1,770,013 下載

azure_mgmt_vmware_cloudsimple 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume VmwareCloudsimple

9,223 下載

azure_mgmt_web 0.18.1

Microsoft Azure Web Apps Management Client Library for Ruby

83,556 下載