RubyGems Navigation menu


active_container 0.0.1

Trim the fatty models. Use ActiveContainer.

3,852 下載

active_content 0.2.1

Generates base inheritable models Content, Taxonomy, Upload, Meta, Profile and Template.

27,127 下載

activecontext 0.2.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

16,541 下載

active_control 0.0.1

Very simple authorization solution with no depedencies. Each permission is stored in it...

10,409 下載

active_copy 1.0.0

Use the Rails model layer as a backend for static files

7,442 下載

active_cortex 0.3.0

Easily add AI-generated fields to your Raila models.

1,641 下載

activecouch 0.1.0

Ruby-based wrapper for CouchDB

11,054 下載

active_count 0.0.1

ActiveRecord count helpers - avoid N+1 queries when counting associations and more.

2,583 下載

activecrew 0.1.5

Steroid command pattern.

4,211 下載

active_crud 0.1.1

991 下載

active_crudify 0.1.1

DRY controller actions for Rails > 3.0 and keeps your controllers nice and skinny.

10,026 下載

activecrypto 0.2.8

Encryption and decryption of a model’s properties.

7,338 下載

active_csv 0.1.1

Inteds to allow you to work with csv data files with an API ActiveRecord-like, but stil...

18,204 下載

activecube 0.1.45

Activecube is the library to make multi-dimensional queries to data.Cube, dimensions, m...

72,932 下載

activecube-graphql 0.1.28

This GEM adapts the GraphQL interface to Activecube multi-dimensional queries. Now you ...

48,026 下載

active_cucumber 1.0.0

Tools to compare ActiveRecord entries with Cucumber tables

43,086 下載

active_currency 1.4.1

Store your currency.

766,296 下載

active_cursor 0.1.0

Efficiently iterate through massive collections in your database.

2,222 下載

activecypher 0.0.0

OpenCypher Adapter ala ActiveRecord

643 下載

active_data 1.2.0

Making object from any hash or hash array

1,191,217 下載

active_data_frame 0.1.11

An active data frame helper

18,946 下載

active_data_migrations 1.0.0

Utilizing ActiveRecord migrations to enable data migrations independently from schema m...

9,974 下載

active_datastore 0.0.4

ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for the Google Cloud Datastore.

29,391 下載

active_data_tables 0.0.5

Server side processing for

15,475 下載

active_date_range 0.3.2

ActiveDateRange provides a range of dates with a powerful API to manipulate and use dat...

50,303 下載

active-dbml 0.2.5

Active::DBML is a new, useful Ruby gem designed to streamline database development.

2,927 下載

active_decimal 0.1.0

Word-number mapping for human readable code

9,167 下載

active_decorator 1.4.1

A simple and Rubyish view helper for Rails

5,021,427 下載

active_decorator-graphql 0.3.0

A toolkit for decorating GraphQL field objects using ActiveDecorator.

21,593 下載

active_decorator-rspec 0.0.9


814,240 下載