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active_data_migrations 1.0.0

Utilizing ActiveRecord migrations to enable data migrations independently from schema m...

9,861 下載

active_datastore 0.0.4

ODM (Object-Document-Mapper) for the Google Cloud Datastore.

29,054 下載

active_data_tables 0.0.5

Server side processing for

15,042 下載

active_date_range 0.3.2

ActiveDateRange provides a range of dates with a powerful API to manipulate and use dat...

18,309 下載

active-dbml 0.2.5

Active::DBML is a new, useful Ruby gem designed to streamline database development.

2,417 下載

active_decimal 0.1.0

Word-number mapping for human readable code

8,978 下載

active_decorator 1.4.1

A simple and Rubyish view helper for Rails

4,551,936 下載

active_decorator-graphql 0.3.0

A toolkit for decorating GraphQL field objects using ActiveDecorator.

21,316 下載

active_decorator-rspec 0.0.9


740,926 下載

active_decorator_with_decorate_associations 0.0.4

Enable active_decorator to automatically decorate associated models

87,138 下載

active_delegate 1.0.9

Stores and retrieves delegatable data through attributes on an ActiveRecord class, with...

50,286 下載

active_delivery 1.2.0

Ruby and Rails framework for managing all types of notifications in one place

451,918 下載

active_delivery_rpush 0.1.1

Integrates rpush notification service with active delivery

4,819 下載

active_denormalize 0.1.0

Description of ActiveDenormalize.

423 下載

active_designer 0.0.3

Active Designer is a gem that allows a user to easily create a visual format of their A...

9,210 下載

active-designer 1.1.7

Deprecated, please visit, or 'gem install act...

4,389 下載

active_device 1.2.0

Device UserAgent Detector

63,333 下載

active_diigo 0.0.5

ActiveDiigo is a wrapper for Diigo API(version: v2).

31,802 下載

activedirectory 1.0.1

ActiveDirectory uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and modifying an Active ...

35,247 下載


ActiveDirectory uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and modifying an Active ...

220,242 下載

ActiveDirectoryForRuby 0.1.8

Active Directory For Ruby

10,978 下載

active_directory_login 0.1.8

Devise based AD User Logins

49,118 下載

activedoc 0.0.1.pre1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

1,786 下載

active_doc 0.1.0

DSL for executable documentation of your code.

10,172 下載

activedocument 1.0

Object Mapper for XML Database. Initially setup for connection to MarkLogic

114,734 下載

active_document 0.1.2

Schemaless models in Berkeley DB.

26,415 下載

active_documentum 0.3.3

Active Documentum

36,031 下載

active_domain 0.5.3

A framework that allows to write a domain server, that processes commands and creates e...

57,291 下載

active-domain 0.1.0

Conventions to model your business domain outside an application

3,793 下載

active-domain-active-record 0.1.0

adds rails-like workflow conveniences

3,777 下載