RubyGems Navigation menu


active_form_model 0.5.1

Based on inheritance

40,570 下載

active_form_objects 2.2.1

Clean up your controller, slim up your models, handle more use cases

45,150 下載

activeform-rails 0.0.5

Enable to use the concept of form objects with ActiveModel

46,454 下載


Active Forms API wrapper

43,324 下載

active_frontend 18.0.1

ActiveFrontend is a refreshingly modern responsive web framework for beautiful and fast...

1,030,326 下載

active_fulfillment 3.2.11

Framework and tools for dealing with shipping, tracking and order fulfillment services.

653,725 下載

activefunction 0.4.2

ActiveFunction is a collection of gems designed to be used with Function as a Service (...

2,239 下載

activefunction-core 0.2.4

Provides core functionality, plugins and ruby-next integration for ActiveFunction

1,888 下載

active_generator 5.2.0

Extend the base rails generators with commonly used generators.

107,140 下載

active_geo_db 0.0.2

Rails (ActiveRecord) lib for accessing OpenGeoDb

15,344 下載

active_gfx 0.1.0

active_gfx shows the graphics card currently in use by you macOS system

5,616 下載

activegist 0.7.1

Wraps GitHub's Gist API with a class implementing the ActiveModel modules. So, it shoul...

52,817 下載

active_git 0.0.10

DB and GIT synchronization via ActiveRecord and GitWrapper

58,262 下載

activegraph 11.4.0

A Neo4j OGM (Object-Graph-Mapper) for Ruby heavily inspired by ActiveRecord.

266,956 下載

active_graph 0.2.1

Gem which makes filling data for Gruff graphs based on ActiveRecord objects much easier.

38,989 下載

activegraph-extensions 0.0.4

Additional features to activegraph, like sideload limiting, authorizing sideloads etc.

17,235 下載

activegraphql 0.4.3

Ruby client for GraphQL services

35,177 下載

active_graphql 0.3

Graphql client

121,954 下載

activegrid 1.0.8

Using the ActiveGrid gem consists of a few steps:

77,672 下載

activegroonga 4.2.1

Groonga provides both of full text search and column store features. ActiveGroonga + Gr...

142,325 下載

activegroonga-fabrication 1.0.0

* ActiveGroonga: * Fabrication:

10,194 下載

active_guards 0.0.1

ActiveModel guards integration

7,086 下載

active_guid 0.0.5

Add a GUID to Active Record instances.

40,580 下載

active_harmony 1.0.1

Active Harmony is a Ruby library that takes care of synchronizing changes between local...

10,207 下載

active_hash 3.3.1

Includes the ability to specify data using hashes, yml files or JSON files

13,127,821 下載

active_hashcash 0.3.1

Protect Rails applications against bots and brute force attacks without annoying humans.

4,469 下載

active_hash_ext 0.0.2

This is an extension module to ActiveHash

9,147 下載

active_hash_fields 0.1.2

Adds nested fields to an AR model stored in a serialized field as hash

13,189 下載

active_hash-kaminari 0.1.1

Use kaminari paginator with ActiveHash.

6,511 下載

active_hash-like 0.1.0

Custom matcher for ActiveHash. It provides `like` operator.

19,027 下載