activestorage-resumable 1.0.1
Adds resumable support for ActiveStorage.
5,153 下載
activestorage_saas 7.0.4
Each tenant can set its own storage service, ActiveStorage service can be dynamically l...
2,204 下載
activestorage-scaleway-service 1.1.0
Rails ActiveStorage adapter for Scaleway Object Storage
2,746 下載
active_storage-send_zip 0.3.5
Add a `send_zip` method in your Rails controller to send a `.zip` file containing one (...
300,627 下載
activestorage-sftp 0.2.0
SFTP Service for ActiveStorage
9,330 下載
active_storage_silent_logs 0.1.2
Silent your Active Storage logs to avoid "noise" in logs.
215,420 下載
activestorage-storj 1.0.0
Providing Storj Cloud Storage support for ActiveStorage in Rails
562 下載
activestorage-storj-s3 1.0.0
Providing Storj S3 gateway support for activestorage-storj gem
569 下載
active_storage_svg_sanitizer 0.1.0
Sanitize SVG images after ActiveStorage upload
262,419 下載
activestorage-tencent_cos 0.0.2
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
4,516 下載
activestorage_upyun 0.7.0
Upyun service for activestorage
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active_storage_validations 1.4.0
Validations for Active Storage (presence)
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activestorage-validator 0.4.0
ActiveStorage blob validator.
2,416,217 下載
active_storage_variant 1.0.0
The pre-defined variants feature is introduced in Rails 7. Using this gem, take the fea...
58,638 下載
activestorage_webdav 0.1.1
ActiveStorage adapter for WebDAV.
5,720 下載
active_store 1.0.0
A active record-like wrapper for memcached protocol
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active_store_accessor 0.3.1
Get more from ActiveRecord::Store
100,194 下載
activestream 0.0.0
My incoming Karafka related project
2,037 下載
active_stripper 1.1.1
Strip / preprocess selected Active Record / Object attributes by creating custom setter...
14,046 下載
active_subset_validator 1.0.0
Provides subset validation for serialized arrays or sets in Active Record
37,896 下載
activesupport 8.0.1
A toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framew...
1,011,954,231 下載
active_support_alias_class_method 1.2.0
A supplementary library of activesupport to provide alias_class_method and alias_class_...
25,670 下載
activesupport-binary-property 0.0.2
ActiveSupport::Concern that provides an enum-like functionality that for when multiple ...
1,941 下載
activesupport-broadcast_logger 2.0.3
Rails v8 ActiveSupport::BroadcastLogger, fixed & backported to Rails v5.2+ & Ruby 2.7+
1,472 下載
activesupport_cache_database 0.5.0
Use your DB as a cache store
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activesupport-cache-redis_multiplexer 0.1.2
RedisMultiplexer enables to handle redis-servers both primary and read-replica, in your...
11,504 下載
activesupport-cascadestore 0.0.2
write-through cache store that allows you to chain multiple cache stores together
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activesupport_csi 2.3.5.p8
Utility library which carries commonly used classes and goodies from the Rails framework
7,580 下載
activesupport-current_attributes 0.0.2
Provides a thread-isolated attributes singleton for Rails applications pre v5.2.0.
206,421 下載