RubyGems Navigation menu


active_text 0.1.5

Aims to be able to read and replace "variables" in text in an active record manner. I d...

86,187 下載

active_theme 0.5.0.pre

It allows an application to have many different ways of rendering static assets and dyn...

2,783 下載

active_thrift 0.0.1

ActiveRecord to Thrift tooling

5,240 下載

activetiger 0.1.1

ActiveTiger allows you to simply add payment processing to your application using Tiger...

19,813 下載

active_time_range 0.0.0

Flexible time range made easy

3,041 下載

activetodo 0.0.6

This gem provides 'TOD*', 'F*XME' and 'XX*' as methods you can use in code

24,003 下載

activetokyocabinet 0.2.1

ActiveTokyoCabinet is a library for using Tokyo(Cabinet|Tyrant) under ActiveRecord.

106,437 下載

active_tools 0.2.5

Missing tools for Rails developers

177,661 下載

active_touch 5.0.1

Touch specific associations when specific attributes change. Call an optional method o...

60,977 下載

activetracker 0.4.9

ActiveTracker is a self-hosted website (combined with this rubygem) to track user reque...

21,152 下載

active-tracker 0.0.1

Observes hits on controllers and changes in records for tracking user behaviour in a Ra...

8,881 下載

activetrail 0.1.6

Provide a cool, and seamless, integration between ActiveAdmin and Trailblazer, so you c...

26,178 下載

active_transaction 0.1.2

ActiveTransaction is a gem that provides a way to create dry transactions and contracts...

433 下載

active_translate_self 1.0.0

ActiveTranslateSelf is a Rails engine that hacks the Ruby string class and lets them tr...

7,050 下載

active_tree 0.3.3

This gem lets you manage partitioned tree structures or graphs using PostgreSQL as data...

6,670 下載

active_triple 0.1.0

Active Triple - Tool to query triple stores

9,139 下載

active-triples 1.2.0

ActiveTriples provides tools for modeling RDF as discrete resources.

435,648 下載

active_triples-local_name 0.6.0

active_triples-local_name provides a standard interface and default implementation for ...

11,427 下載

active_triples-mongoid_strategy 0.1.0

active_triples-mongoid provides a graph-based MongoDB persistence strategy for ActiveTr...

3,980 下載

active_triples-solrizer 0.3.0

active_triples-solrizer provides a default solr indexing implementation for ActiveTriples.

3,471 下載

active_tsv 0.3.2

A Class of Active record pattern for TSV/CSV

25,659 下載

active_tunes 0.0.1

Automated ID3 tagging for iTunes on a Mac, based on AppleScript. Alter for your needs. ...

10,060 下載

active_type 2.6.0

Make any Ruby object quack like ActiveRecord

3,348,817 下載

active_typed_store 1.2.0

Typed store for active records json/hstore columns

2,409 下載

active_unimod_generator 0.1.0

ActiveRecord models and database migrations for Unimod.

10,790 下載

activeupdate 0.1.6

activerecord extension to facilitate updating multiple records

19,163 下載

active_url 0.1.4

ActiveUrl enables the storing of a model in an encrypted URL. It facilitates implementa...

11,416 下載

active_utils 3.4.1

Common utils used by active_merchant, active_fulfillment, and active_shipping

12,309,241 下載

activeuuid 0.6.1

Add binary (not string) UUIDs to ActiveRecord in MySQL

836,934 下載

activeuuid-ps 0.1.2

Add binary (not string) UUIDs to ActiveRecord in PostgreSQL

17,971 下載