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avro 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 avro

avro_turf 1.15.0

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

8,999,749 下載

logstash-codec-avro 3.4.1

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

3,652,048 下載

avromatic 5.0.0

Generate Ruby models from Avro schemas

3,574,385 下載

avro-builder 2.0.0

Ruby DSL to create Avro schemas

3,488,981 下載

avro-resolution_canonical_form 0.6.0

Unique identification of Avro schemas for schema resolution

3,319,644 下載

avro-patches 1.0.2

Patches for the official Apache Avro Ruby implementation

3,202,933 下載

schema_registry 0.1.1

Ruby client for Confluent Inc.'s schema-registry. The schema-registry holds AVRO schema...

367,952 下載

deimos-ruby 1.24.3

Kafka libraries for Ruby.

171,540 下載

ndr_import 11.2.0

NDR ETL Importer

83,239 下載

logstash-codec-avro_schema_registry 1.2.0

Encode and decode avro formatted data from a Confluent schema registry

73,124 下載

service_contract 0.6.0

Abstract the definition of a service's interface contract. Supports Avro

69,438 下載

rabbit_feed 3.0.3

A gem providing asynchronous event publish and subscribe capabilities with RabbitMQ.

67,559 下載

service_contract_webmock 0.2.0

A library for generating webmock mocks with ServiceContract schemas

33,312 下載

rflow 1.3.2

A Ruby flow-based programming framework that utilizes ZeroMQ for component connections ...

31,512 下載

fluent-plugin-avro 1.1.1

Avro formatter plugin for Fluentd

22,736 下載

csv2avro 1.3.1

Convert CSV files to Avro like a boss.

18,265 下載

neon_schemas 0.1.13

A gem containing schemas and encoding/decoding Avro classes

18,038 下載

nypl_ruby_util 0.1.1

A repository of common utilities for NYPL Ruby application

17,030 下載

avro2kafka 0.4.1

Publish Avro files to Kafka in JSON format

14,906 下載

typed_data 0.2.0

TypedData is a library that converts hash objects managed by an Avro schema so that the...

12,964 下載

fluent-plugin-azure-queue 0.0.11.pre

Fluent input plugin for azure queue input

11,638 下載

deimos-temp-fork 0.0.7

Kafka libraries for Ruby.

10,300 下載

fluent-plugin-parser-avro 0.3.1

Avro parser plugin for Fluentd

8,886 下載

avro_utils 0.3.0

A gem to convert different data format to avro

8,356 下載

avro-wrapper 0.0.2

Wrapper for Avro

7,141 下載

avro-registered-schema-decoder 0.1.1

Provides a decoder for messages encoded as "prefixed Avro", where the binary Avro encod...

6,520 下載

avro2json 0.1.0

Decodes Avro data files and converts the data to JSON

6,476 下載

vert 0.3.0

Validate hashes and JSON data and output custom errors

5,665 下載

avro_turf_enchanced 0.7.4

A library that makes it easier to use the Avro serialization format from Ruby

5,503 下載

wikiavro 0.0.2

Convert MediaWiki XML dumps to Avro

5,397 下載

總下載次數 20,266,843

這個版本 953,377



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
