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babel-transpiler 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 babel-transpiler

sprockets 4.2.1

Sprockets is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...

448,632,999 下载

react-rails 3.2.0

Render components in views or controller actions. Server-side rendering powered by Exec...

27,615,952 下载

sprockets-es6 0.9.2

A Sprockets transformer that converts ES6 code into vanilla ES5 with Babel JS.

10,897,719 下载

jekyll-assets 3.0.12

A drop-in Jekyll Plugin that provides an asset pipeline for JavaScript, CSS, SASS, SCSS...

2,128,392 下载

spree_backend 4.7.2

Admin Dashboard for Spree eCommerce platform

1,901,972 下载

spree_frontend 4.7.0

The default Storefront built with Rails and Turbo/Hotwire for Spree eCommerce platform

1,758,987 下载

ember-es6_template 0.7.0

The tilt template for Ember specified ES6.

278,720 下载

starscope 1.6.1

Starscope is a code indexer, search and navigation tool for Ruby, Golang, and JavaScrip...

133,584 下载

linner 0.12.0

HTML5 Application Assembler

124,635 下载

marfa 0.10.2

Sinatra-based wrapper for our projects

79,820 下载

jekyll-babel 1.1.0

A Babel converter for Jekyll.

53,882 下载

spina-conferences-primer_theme 0.5.2

Frontend for Spina::Admin::Conferences plugin, based on Primer.

48,904 下载

startback-web 1.0.2

Startback for website

43,214 下载

sprockets-babel 0.0.6

Transpile ES6 files with BabelJS.

30,453 下载

es6_tilt 0.1.2

Transforms .js files into js files so you can write es6 code and use it in your views.

23,869 下载

spina-conferences-primer_theme-fork 1.0.3

Frontend for Spina::Admin::Conferences plugin, based on Primer.

21,490 下载

babel-rails 0.3.0

ES2015+ adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.

20,563 下载

es6-rails 0.3.5

Enables use of ES6 in assets, views and inline.

17,705 下载

sprockets-babel-miniracer 0.0.12

Transpile ES6 files with BabelJS.

15,882 下载

staticz 1.0.13

Create websites with haml and sass, and compile them into static html and css

8,559 下载

session_timeout_prompter 1.0.0

A Rails Engine to prompt the user when their session is about to timeout and allow them...

7,824 下载

lotus-assets 0.1.0

Assets management for Ruby web applications

7,012 下载

sprockets_cdn 0.1.1

a cdn assets for sprockets, upload assets to upyun/qiniu

5,811 下载

bits-n-pieces 0.1.0

A frontend stack for pieces gem

3,367 下载

ainner 0.12.0

HTML5 Application Assembler

3,275 下载

rails-es6 0.0.2

Babel adapter for the Rails asset pipeline.

3,090 下载

spina-admin-conferences-accounts 0.1.1

Implements devise accounts into SpinaCMS.

3,039 下载

xat_support 1.29.3

Support to help you develop Zendesk Apps.

2,960 下载

linner-hc 1.0.0

HTML5 Application Assembler

2,402 下载

scribo 1.0.40

Scribo is designed to work with your models and renders your content inside customer de...

1,653 下载

下载总量 39,137,797

这个版本 39,085,439



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
