RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para bundle-audit La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren bundle-audit

firebase_dynamic_link 3.0.0

Create deep link for web and mobile app using Firebase Dynamic Links service

436.986 Descargas

case_transform2 1.1.1

Transforms string letter case to camel, snake,dash and underscore without activesupport...

427.486 Descargas

cobweb 1.2.1

Cobweb is a web crawler that can use resque to cluster crawls to quickly crawl extremel...

326.080 Descargas

hoodoo 3.5.7

Simplify the implementation of consistent services within an API-based software platform.

217.005 Descargas

cqm-models 4.2.0

This library contains auto generated Mongo (Mongoid) models that correspond to the QDM ...

74.988 Descargas

codebreaker_diz 0.2.9

Game for true Hackers

25.455 Descargas

carioca 2.1.10

Carioca 2: is a complete rewrite who provide a full IoC/DI light Container and a servic...

24.499 Descargas

sass-color-extractor 0.1.7

*** Sass Color Extractor (sass-color-extractor) Because the Ruby Sass gem is deprec...

17.089 Descargas

berkeley_library-logging 0.2.7

A gem providing shared logging code for UC Berkeley Library gems and Rails applications

14.840 Descargas

rack-auth-ldap 1.2.3

rack-auth-ldap : provide LDAP authentication for Rack middelware

12.921 Descargas

eventsimple 1.5.0

Event sourcing toolkit using Rails and ActiveJob

11.033 Descargas

berkeley_library-tind 0.7.2

UC Berkeley Library utility gem for working with the TIND DA digital archive.

10.541 Descargas


A gem providing Alma/Primo-related utility code for the UC Berkeley Library

8.681 Descargas

meshtastic 0.0.67

8.372 Descargas

berkeley_library-marc 0.3.1

A gem providing MARC-related utility code and extensions to ruby-marc for the UC Berkel...

7.457 Descargas

jekyll-category_generator 0.0.5

Provides a simple category generator allowing filtering and easy configuration for Jekyll.

7.253 Descargas

factory_bot_generator 0.2.2

Render FactoryBot factory existing object.

7.210 Descargas

ruby-marc-spec 0.1.3

An implementation of the MARCspec query language for Ruby and ruby-marc

6.810 Descargas

thredded-workgroup 0.4.1

Write a longer description or delete this line.

5.987 Descargas

rack-rest-rspec 1.0.0

Rack-rest-rspec: RSpec Matchers for REST Rack webservice

4.374 Descargas

elo_brain 1.1.0

Simple elo calculation.

4.159 Descargas

text-checkm 0.8

A Ruby implementation of the Checkm checksum-based text manifest format

3.592 Descargas

thot 1.2.2

the simpliest way to template in Ruby and command

2.680 Descargas

maquina 0.4.0

Build Rails applications focusing on your business problem not the code.

2.588 Descargas

dynamoid-advanced-where 1.0.0


2.172 Descargas

berkeley_library-holdings 1.0.5

A collection of holdings-related utilities for the UC Berkeley Library

2.039 Descargas

osu_term 1.0.0

A simple gem for taking an OSU term's strm and turning it into useful information.

2.001 Descargas

simple-annotations 1.0.0

Simple method annotations like in java or Python methods decorators

1.353 Descargas

fixturizer 0.4.2

Ruby fixturizer tools for applications testing

1.245 Descargas

rspec-specification-coverage 0.1.3

Allow specify how RSpec specification files cover the implementation.

1.232 Descargas

Total de descargas 6.595.295

Para esta versión 6.595.295



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
