RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour combustion Latest version of the following gems require combustion

active_storage_validations 1.1.4

Validations for Active Storage (presence)

13 915 118 Téléchargements

request_store-sidekiq 0.1.0

Provides a Sidekiq Server Middleware to clear out RequestStore after each job is proces...

8 354 845 Téléchargements

devise-authy 2.3.1

Authy plugin to add two factor authentication to Devise. This gem is deprecated, please...

8 055 723 Téléchargements

voight_kampff 2.0.0

Voight-Kampff detects bots, spiders, crawlers and replicants

6 595 749 Téléchargements

goldiloader 5.2.2

Automatically eager loads Rails associations as associations are traversed

6 320 970 Téléchargements

arel-helpers 2.14.0

Useful tools to help construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel.

4 906 407 Téléchargements

measured 3.0.0

Wrapper objects which encapsulate measurements and their associated units in Ruby.

4 495 324 Téléchargements

ajax-datatables-rails 1.5.0

A wrapper around datatable's ajax methods that allow synchronization with server-side p...

4 295 686 Téléchargements

pg_party 1.7.0

Migrations and model helpers for creating and managing PostgreSQL 10 partitions

4 113 755 Téléchargements

activerecord-postgres_enum 2.0.2

Integrate PostgreSQL's enum data type into ActiveRecord's schema and migrations.

3 092 581 Téléchargements

thinking-sphinx 5.5.1

An intelligent layer for ActiveRecord (via Rails and Sinatra) for the Sphinx full-text ...

3 017 019 Téléchargements

joiner 0.6.0

Builds ActiveRecord outer joins from association paths and provides references to table...

2 100 817 Téléchargements

activestorage-validator 0.4.0

ActiveStorage blob validator.

1 896 856 Téléchargements

activeadmin-searchable_select 1.8.0

Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.

1 731 093 Téléchargements

kapnismology 2.6.1

Engine for smoke tests and base classes

1 497 660 Téléchargements

sequel-rails 1.2.2

Integrate Sequel with Rails (3.x and 4.x)

1 268 152 Téléchargements

riif 1.1.0

A simple DSL to generate QuickBooks IIF file

905 444 Téléchargements

que-scheduler 5.1.0

A lightweight cron scheduler for the Que async job worker

738 607 Téléchargements

devise-guests 0.8.3

Guest user implementation for devise

634 511 Téléchargements

gutentag 2.6.2

A good, simple, solid tagging extension for ActiveRecord

552 236 Téléchargements

rapporteur 3.8.0

An engine that provides common status polling endpoint.

479 366 Téléchargements

seo_meta 3.1.0

SEO Meta tags plugin for Ruby on Rails

461 714 Téléchargements

gds-sso 19.1.0

Client for GDS' OAuth 2-based SSO

419 090 Téléchargements

imgproxy 3.0.0

A gem that easily generates imgproxy URLs for your images

393 980 Téléchargements

graphql-fragment_cache 1.20.2

Fragment cache for graphql-ruby

343 915 Téléchargements

ama_layout 11.5.1 site layouts

328 260 Téléchargements

ts-delayed-delta 2.1.0

Manage delta indexes via Delayed Job for Thinking Sphinx

295 512 Téléchargements

bankserv 0.8.6

This engine allows users to inject requests into a queue to be processed. ...

264 732 Téléchargements

consent 2.0.0

Consent permission based authorization

258 957 Téléchargements

activerecord-postgres-array 0.0.10

Adds support for postgres arrays to ActiveRecord

240 755 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 3 340 058

Pour cette version 67 036



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
