RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour contracts Latest version of the following gems require contracts

middleman-core 4.5.1

A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...

4 804 575 Téléchargements

aruba 2.2.0

Extension for popular TDD and BDD frameworks like "Cucumber", "RSpec" and "Minitest", t...

4 333 896 Téléchargements

engineyard-serverside 3.0.4

A gem that deploys ruby applications on EY Cloud instances

827 377 Téléchargements

omnibus 9.0.24

Omnibus is a framework for building self-installing, full-stack software builds.

677 001 Téléchargements

kibana_url 1.0.1

Builds complex ULRs for Kibana with all settings prefilled.

467 860 Téléchargements

konstructor 1.0.2

Konstructor is a small gem that gives you multiple constructors in Ruby. It's simil...

457 087 Téléchargements

pkgforge 0.29.1

DSL engine for building Arch packages

178 786 Téléchargements

cloudstrap 0.51.1.pre

Strapping Boots to Clouds

124 854 Téléchargements

kuber_kit 1.3.8

Docker Containers Build & Deployment

115 157 Téléchargements

proxy_pac_rb 3.0.0

"proxy_pac_rb" is a gem to compress, lint and parse proxy auto-config files. It comes w...

105 136 Téléchargements

elm_install 1.6.1

Install Elm packages from git repositories.

103 225 Téléchargements

sluice 0.4.0

A Ruby gem to help you build ETL processes involving Amazon S3. Uses Fog

64 794 Téléchargements

proxy_rb 1.0.0

This gem makes testing your proxy easy.

53 446 Téléchargements

robot_sweatshop 1.0.1

A lightweight, nonopinionated CI server.

52 617 Téléchargements

specs 0.21

See for example usage

50 412 Téléchargements

yard-contracts 0.1.5

This YARD plugin uses Contracts and method signatures, merged with your optional do...

49 010 Téléchargements

git-ready 0.9.8

git-ready gets you ready to work with an established team that already uses GitHub.

40 091 Téléchargements

rubycheck 0.0.9

See specs/ tests for example usage.

36 251 Téléchargements

vector_salad 0.3.2

A tool aiming to intuitively enable designers with basic programming experience such ...

34 111 Téléchargements

simple_zip_code 0.4.1

Simple gem to determine the US state abbreviation from a postal code.

32 491 Téléchargements

concourse-fuselage 0.5.8

Framework for Concourse Resources

32 381 Téléchargements

ribimaybe 0.1.0

Maybe Functor, Applicative and Monad

30 889 Téléchargements

pochette 0.5.2

Pochette is a Bitcoin Wallet backend offering a common interface to several bitcoin...

28 767 Téléchargements

hyperdock 0.18.5

Hypermedia API for Docker

27 015 Téléchargements

stellar_core_commander 0.0.12

A helper gem for scripting stellar-core

26 026 Téléchargements

ghs 0.1.8

Find the clone url for repos on Github

25 022 Téléchargements

middleman-vcard 0.9.10

A Middleman extension to automatically generate VCards based on provided configurat...

24 691 Téléchargements

has_a_token 0.3.2

Generate simple/complex/readable tokens in Rails models

22 326 Téléchargements

contract_value_object 0.1.0

Validate that your objects have the right inputs.

19 127 Téléchargements

route_soap 0.0.5

Route spec generator

18 700 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 25 343 504

Pour cette version 403 372



Version de Ruby requise: >= 3.0, < 4
