RubyGems Navigation menu

debase 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 debase

apollo-federation 3.8.5

A Ruby implementation of Apollo Federation

3,127,590 下载

pod-builder 5.4.1

Prebuild CocoaPods pods to make compiling your Xcode projects faster

192,564 下载

apollo-studio-tracing 1.1.0

A Ruby implementation of Apollo GraphQL Studio tracing

74,339 下载

wc-essentials 0.1.0

Gem to provide essential and commonly used helpers to all WorkCompass projects.

63,474 下载

serverspec_launcher 0.8.0

A utility to manage serverspec scripts

54,677 下载

tdl-client-ruby 0.27.1

A ruby client to connect to the kata server

49,472 下载

wordless 2.2.0

The quickest CLI tool to setup a new WordPress locally. Wordless ready.

44,104 下载

aws_pocketknife 0.1.28

Have you ever find yourself going through the aws cli documentation page over and over ...

43,361 下载

ios_icon_generator 0.1.3

Generates icons based and apply masks to them easily.

43,143 下载

metal_archives 3.2.0

Ruby API layer that transparently queries, scrapes and caches Metal Archives' website

42,627 下载

contextio-lite 0.0.4

Short implementation of a client rest API for the Context.IO Lite API

41,165 下载

fog-proxmox 0.15.0

This library can be used as a module for `fog`.

39,133 下载

fastlane-plugin-testdroid_runner 1.0.3

Allows to run BitBar tests on fastlane

30,709 下载

rubyneat 0.5.3

RubyNEAT -- Neural Evolution of Augmenting Topologies for Ruby. By way of an enhanced...

29,333 下载

nistbib 0.1.9

NistBib: retrive NIST standards.

23,809 下载

redox-client 0.7.0

Ruby library for consuming Redox JSON APIs

23,482 下载

cotton-tail 0.7.0

Simply and easily add AMQP messaging capabilities to your ser...

18,510 下载

granule 0.1.8

Opinionated Rails App Bootstrapper aimed to even faster prototyping

16,729 下载

cloud_party 0.1.7

Thin Ruby wrapper around Cloudflare's V4 API for good measure!

16,423 下载

nintendo_eshop 0.2.1

When I want to check the price of a game on the Nintendo eShop I want to search Nintend...

14,311 下载

shunting_yard 0.2.0

ShuntingYard algorithm implementation

11,319 下载

cpp_dependency_graph 0.4.2

Generates interactive dependency visualisations (dot, d3.js) to study the architecture ...

11,274 下载

active_brainz 0.3.1

ActiveRecord integration with the MusicBrainz database

9,814 下载

dinja 2.0.0

Dinja, Dependency Injection Ninja allows you to decouple abstractions from implementations

7,502 下载

osgeo-termbase 0.1.0

Build scripts for the OSGeo Termbase

6,858 下载

apple_store_inventory_checker 0.1.1

Apple has a habit of failing to provide enough supply to meet demand early in a product...

6,714 下载

vcs4sql 0.1.1

In the last few years, version control for database became best practice. There are sev...

5,457 下载

heremaps 0.2.0

This `ruby gem` provide the functionality to integrate with HERE Maps API, SEARCH (PLAC...

4,101 下载

jekyll_bootstrap5_tabs 1.1.2

This Jekyll plugin enables Bootstrap 5 tabs in Jekyll 4 websites. Two new Liquid tags a...

4,018 下载

hatt 0.0.2

convention based approach to interfacing with an HTTP JSON API.

4,011 下载

下载总量 42,298,958

这个版本 28,340,988



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0
