RubyGems Navigation menu

dm-mysql-adapter 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 dm-mysql-adapter

opentox-ruby-api-wrapper 1.6.5

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

98,682 下載

firefly 1.5.3

Firefly is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby an...

89,012 下載


PlatformX Gem for PlatformX

72,926 下載

tmin 0.2.6

tminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...

67,941 下載

dm-is-reflective 1.3.2

DataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings b...

35,163 下載

dm-is-published 1.2.0

A DataMapper plugin that provides an easy way to add different states to your models.

28,544 下載

sql_partitioner 0.6.3

This gem will help setup partitioning on a table, based on its `timestamp` column. ...

26,553 下載

manband 0.8.0

Workflow orchestrator based on RabbitMQ

24,679 下載

dm-is-select 1.2.0

A DataMapper plugin that makes getting the <tt>select</tt> options from a Model easier.

20,408 下載

alvid 0.2.5

Alvid is an advanced AI bot that integrates with slack.

18,987 下載

sras 2.1.6

Asset server for use with OpenSimulator

17,796 下載

tmin_test 0.0.5

tminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...

15,793 下載

dm-deep_cloning 1.0.3

A library that lets you clone objects and object graphs

11,188 下載

rivendell-db 0.4

Rivendell database mapping

11,007 下載

machinist-dm 0.0.2

Allows Machinist 2 to operate with DataMapper instead of ActiveRecord

10,883 下載

mm-data_mapper 0.0.3

DataMapper loader for MonkeyMailer

8,619 下載

cached_record 0.1.1

Cache (and optionally memoize) ActiveRecord or DataMapper records in Redis or Memcached

7,843 下載

moogle 0.1.1

Notification pushing to 3rd parties

7,177 下載

usvn-crowd-sync 0.2.1

Sync Atlassian crowd's user & groups to USVN.

7,150 下載

tminusit 0.0.1

tminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...

5,099 下載

espalhe-firefly 1.5.3

Firefly is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby an...

4,661 下載

tg-firefly 0.9.0

A URL shortener forked from ariejan/firefly project. Adds user context to click tracking

3,993 下載

my_enginery 0.2.8

Stuff Builder for Espresso Framework

3,738 下載

penelope-core 0.0.1

Penelope Core library

2,266 下載

總下載次數 679,032

這個版本 583,944


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