RubyGems Navigation menu

fakeweb 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fakeweb

eye 0.10.0

Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3...

107,844,402 下載

twilio-ruby 7.1.0

The official library for communicating with the Twilio REST API, building TwiML, and ge...

78,651,702 下載

paperclip 6.1.0

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

74,223,456 下載

intercom 4.2.1

Intercom ( is a customer relationship management and messaging ...

18,436,786 下載

net-ping 2.0.8

The net-ping library provides a ping interface for Ruby. It includes separate TCP, ...

16,534,750 下載

kt-paperclip 7.2.2

Easy upload management for ActiveRecord

10,704,843 下載

open_uri_redirections 0.2.1

OpenURI patch to allow redirections between HTTP and HTTPS

10,242,403 下載

google-id-token 1.4.2

Google ID Token utilities; currently just a parser/checker

8,239,455 下載

httmultiparty 0.3.16

HTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.

7,185,722 下載

omniauth-shopify-oauth2 2.4.0

Shopify strategy for OmniAuth

2,825,041 下載

createsend 6.1.0

Implements the complete functionality of the Campaign Monitor API.

2,758,844 下載

onebox 2.2.19

A gem for generating embeddable HTML previews from URLs.

2,509,199 下載

paperclip_database 3.1.0

To have all your data in one place: the database

1,782,371 下載

toadhopper 2.1

A base library for Airbrake error reporting

1,372,948 下載

tinder 1.10.1

A Ruby API for interfacing with Campfire, the 37Signals chat application.

1,362,437 下載

legato 0.7.0

Access the Google Analytics Core Reporting and Management APIs with Ruby. Create models...

1,354,868 下載

sailthru-client 4.3.0

A simple client library to remotely access the Sailthru REST API.

1,322,083 下載

newrelic_plugin 1.3.1

The New Relic Plugin Gem is used to send plugin data to New Relic from non-application ...

1,315,311 下載

chargify_api_ares 1.4.15

A Chargify API wrapper for Ruby using ActiveResource

1,167,941 下載

anemone 0.7.2

Anemone web-spider framework

1,051,867 下載

robotex 1.0.0

Obey Robots.txt

1,033,097 下載

hominid 3.0.5

Hominid is a Ruby gem that provides a wrapper for interacting with the Mailchimp email ...

987,223 下載

paypal-express 0.8.1

PayPal Express Checkout API Client for Instance, Recurring and Digital Goods Payment.

966,876 下載

localeapp 3.3.0

Synchronizes i18n translation keys and content with so you don't have to ...

942,066 下載

mixpanel 4.1.1

Simple lib to track events in Mixpanel service. It can be used in any rack based framew...

839,159 下載

oauth-plugin 0.5.1

Rails plugin for implementing an OAuth Provider or Consumer

834,794 下載

foursquare2 2.0.2

Gives access to all endpoints in version 2 of foursquare's API with syntax that will be...

717,310 下載

sendgrid_toolkit 1.4.0

A Ruby wrapper and utility library for communicating with the Sendgrid API.

696,490 下載

engineyard-cloud-client 2.1.1

This gem connects to the EY Cloud API

679,956 下載

gravatar-ultimate 2.0.0

The Ultimate Gravatar Gem! This gem is used to interface with the entire Gravatar API:...

677,149 下載

總下載次數 4,695,369

這個版本 4,489,590


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