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guard-coffeescript 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 guard-coffeescript

poltergeist 1.18.1

Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...

34,357,288 下载

bonethug 0.0.99

Project Skeleton Manager

299,574 下载

mobvious-rails 0.1.2

Rails enhancements for rendering different content for different device types

299,029 下载

wat_catcher 0.10.11

Catch your wats

125,058 下载


Creates a web development project with support for CoffeeScript and Sass, with support ...

57,231 下载

ela 4.1.6

HTML5 E-Learning Framework

32,253 下载

media-element-logo-plugin 0.0.2

The logo on the scrubber bar opens a window or links back to the original page.

31,202 下载

frenzy_bunnies 0.0.8

RabbitMQ JRuby based workers on top of hot_bunnies

27,027 下载

staticise 0.6.5

Static site generator using Haml and Coffescript

26,787 下载

gokart 0.1.0

Combination of tooks which will make developing webapps using go easier. The gokart ge...

23,029 下载

boardintel_frenzy_bunnies 0.0.17

RabbitMQ JRuby based workers on top of march_hare

15,402 下载

bigpipe-rails 0.1.1

Takes advantage of context switching and provides in Rails 3.1

13,526 下载

rrd-grapher 1.0.3

Graphing toolkit for RRD

12,949 下载

includejs 1.0.2

Adds the ability to include Modules into JavaScript objects

12,566 下载

zitgit 0.1.1

Simple sinatra-based web-interface to view git repository history

11,670 下载

angular-spree 0.0.4

Spree has a lot of moving parts and so does Angular. Take the easy route...

10,248 下载

poltergeistFork 0.0.4

Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...

8,367 下载

gocart 0.0.2

Builds the development environment for Go web apps with css/js frontends.

7,618 下载

songbooks 0.1.2

Chordfile (Lyrics + Chords) display and PDF generation using Sinatra and Prawn

6,917 下载

moment_ago 0.0.3

Display relative date/times in words and show the absolute time on mouseover.

6,529 下载

simple_poller 0.0.2

Write a gem description

6,173 下载

backbone-handlebars 0.0.1

That's all folks

5,683 下载

coffee_enhancer 0.1.1

A simple package that emhances the amazing experience that is of using coffeescript.

5,127 下载

edmond-danthes 2.1.1

Private pub/sub messaging in Rails through Faye. More Faye features supported. Based on...

4,989 下载

ci-18n 0.0.1

A localization library for javascript files in ruby on rails.

4,934 下载

handlebone 0.0.1

That's all folks

4,680 下载

poltergeist-cj 1.5.2

Poltergeist is a driver for Capybara that allows you to run your tests on a headless We...

3,359 下载

下载总量 709,060

这个版本 226,384



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.3.6
