RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para jammit La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren jammit

guard-jammit 1.1.0

Watches your assets to automatically package them using Jammit.

93.057 Descargas

kumade 0.8.2

A well-tested script for easy deploying to Heroku

79.035 Descargas

bhm-admin 0.3.6

Provides a reasonably dynamic and simple to use admin area for Rails 3 application. Bui...

74.181 Descargas


Jammit-S3 is an extension to the awesome Jammit library that handles deployment to s3 a...

67.481 Descargas

fingerjam 0.8.2

Fingerjam uploads your Jammit-compressed assets with fingerprinted filenames so they ca...

66.340 Descargas


Creates a web development project with support for CoffeeScript and Sass, with support ...

56.992 Descargas

cv 0.0.7

The goal of this gem is to build a resume or portfolio based on a YAML file and running...

27.318 Descargas

timeline_setter 0.3.2

TimelineSetter is a tool to create HTML timelines from spreadsheets of events.

23.486 Descargas


Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Sinatra/Padrino, provi...

22.203 Descargas

middleman-jammit 0.3.0

Use Jammit in Middleman - merge multiple javascripts/stylesheets into one

19.354 Descargas


Jammit-S3 is an extension to the awesome Jammit library that handles deployment to s3 a...

16.168 Descargas

rosey 0.0.3

Rosey helps you keep your house clean.

9.879 Descargas

hj7 0.9.0

Jekyll plugins and hacks

7.834 Descargas

backbone-generators 0.01

A collection of handy generators for backbone js. Currently the generators only support...

6.036 Descargas

asset_tasks 0.0.2

Rake tasks for asset packaging with Barista, Compass and Jammit

5.873 Descargas

blazing-jammit 0.1.0

blazing recipe to precompile rails assets with jammit

4.593 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.398.321

Para esta versión 89.055



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
