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Dépendances inversées pour minitest-utils Latest version of the following gems require minitest-utils

browser 6.0.0

Do some browser detection with Ruby.

91 231 383 Téléchargements

i18n-js 4.2.3

Export i18n translations and use them on JavaScript.

28 588 081 Téléchargements

cpf_cnpj 0.5.0

Validate, generate and format CPF/CNPJ numbers. Include command-line tools.

3 536 080 Téléchargements

sidekiq-statistic 1.4.0

See statistic about your workers (GSoC project)

3 015 733 Téléchargements

password_strength 1.1.4

Check password strength against several rules. Includes ActiveRecord/ActiveModel support.

2 083 802 Téléchargements

glob 0.4.1

Create a list of hash paths that match a given pattern. You can also generate a hash wi...

1 539 372 Téléchargements

email_data 1717288066.0.0

This project is a compilation of datasets related to emails. Includes disposable emails...

572 441 Téléchargements

aitch 2.0.0

A simple HTTP client

510 810 Téléchargements

validators 3.4.2

Add some nice ActiveModel/ActiveRecord validators.

439 602 Téléchargements

factory_bot-preload 0.3.1

Preload factories (Factory Bot) just like fixtures. It will be easier and, probably, fa...

367 072 Téléchargements

svg_optimizer 0.3.0

SVG optimization based on Node's SVGO

339 189 Téléchargements

breadcrumbs 0.3.0

Breadcrumbs is a simple plugin that adds a `breadcrumbs` object to controllers and views.

334 885 Téléchargements

gem-open 0.1.8

Open gems on your favorite editor by running a specific gem command like `gem open noko...

318 664 Téléchargements

ar-sequence 0.2.1

Add support for PostgreSQL's SEQUENCE on ActiveRecord migrations

316 552 Téléchargements

ar-uuid 0.2.3

Override migration methods to support UUID columns without having to be explicit about it.

232 794 Téléchargements

notifier 1.2.2

Send system notifications on several platforms with a simple and unified API. Currently...

219 641 Téléchargements

normalize_attributes 0.4.0

Normalize ActiveRecord attributes

169 980 Téléchargements

formtastic-jquery_inputmask 0.2.2

Easily add jquery inputmask to your Formtastic.

145 623 Téléchargements

active_admin-jquery_inputmask 0.1.1

Easily add jquery inputmask to your ActiveAdmin.

140 237 Téléchargements

csr 0.1.1

Generate CSR (Certificate Signing Request) using Ruby and OpenSSL

134 146 Téléchargements

eaternet 1.4.2

A framework for easily retrieving a region's health scores in a standardized way.

109 926 Téléchargements

sinatra-subdomain 0.4.0

Separate routes for subdomains on Sinatra

104 875 Téléchargements

simple_auth 3.1.4

A simple authentication system for Rails apps

100 863 Téléchargements

rails-env 2.0.2

Avoid environment detection on Rails

86 118 Téléchargements

burgundy 2.0.0

A simple wrapper for objects in less than 100 lines.

83 775 Téléchargements

omniauth-atlassian-bitbucket 0.1.0

OmniAuth strategy for Bitbucket (

77 358 Téléchargements

faraday-log-subscriber 0.2.0

A Log Subscriber for Faraday clients

72 258 Téléchargements

root_domain 0.1.2

Extract root domain from hosts (e.g. www.example will be extracted as It ...

63 298 Téléchargements

active_record-humanized_enum 0.2.0

Easily translate your ActiveRecord's enums.

61 967 Téléchargements

paginate 4.0.1

Paginate collections using SIZE+1 to determine if there is a next page. Includes Active...

57 226 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 89 847

Pour cette version 9 479



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.7.0
