RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para mutant La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mutant

unparser 0.6.13

Generate equivalent source for parser gem AST nodes

60.390.387 Descargas

humanize 3.1.0

Extension to Numeric to humanize numbers

12.101.280 Descargas

kapnismology 2.6.1

Engine for smoke tests and base classes

1.494.572 Descargas

mutant-rspec 0.12.1

Rspec integration for mutant

1.113.481 Descargas

morpher 0.4.2

Domain Transformation Algebra

693.161 Descargas

yaks 0.13.0

Serialize to hypermedia. HAL, JSON-API, etc.

151.571 Descargas

mutant-minitest 0.12.1

Minitest integration for mutant

146.022 Descargas

devtools 0.1.26

A metagem wrapping development tools

97.828 Descargas

synchronisable 1.3.1

Provides base fuctionality (models, DSL) for AR synchronization with external resources...

86.763 Descargas

belafonte 0.5.0

Jump in the command line!

84.929 Descargas

simple_parameter_store 0.2.1

Simple abstraction of AWS SSM Parameter Store.

49.424 Descargas

cot 0.5.3

Simplifies creating models for rest based resources

35.704 Descargas

hobby-devtools 0.0.13

My setup for development of Hobby-related projects.

25.341 Descargas

ruby-wpdb 1.2.3

ruby-wpdb gives you a painless way to access and interact with WordPress from Ruby, acc...

20.734 Descargas

runeterra_cards 0.7.0

Legends of Runeterra deck code decoder & Data Dragon card data loader.

16.263 Descargas

gkv 0.2.7

Utilize a git repository as a trivially simple kv store.

16.236 Descargas

mutator_rails 0.1.17

Automate mutation testing to find weaknesses in code

14.944 Descargas

querylicious 0.5.0

An opinionated search query parser

13.829 Descargas

citrus-core 0.0.4

Citrus continous integration core components.

13.471 Descargas

human_name 0.1.1

If I have to write 'def full_name' one more time...

9.297 Descargas

guard-mutant 0.0.1

Guard::Mutant automatically mutates Ruby when files are modified.

8.988 Descargas

devutils-metrics 0.0.2

a small tool for handling subtasks of projects

7.482 Descargas

develry 0.0.3

A metagem for ROM-style development

6.990 Descargas

central-devtools 0.8.4

Shared development tasks for project Central Machine

5.630 Descargas

lamassu 0.2.0

Autorization gem based on policy objects and dry-container

5.064 Descargas

ruote-synchronize 0.1.0

A process synchronisation module for Ruote.

4.351 Descargas

ruote-resque 0.1.0

Resque participant/receiver pair for Ruote

4.336 Descargas

gaddag 0.1.1

Implementation of the GADDAG data structure

3.904 Descargas

meta_module 0.0.1

few things around module subclassing

3.781 Descargas

permify 0.0.1

Manageable permissions

3.445 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.398.348

Para esta versión 2.074



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
