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Dependencias inversas para mysql La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mysql

squeel 1.2.3

Squeel unlocks the power of Arel in your Rails application with a handy block-bas...

3.455.728 Descargas

machinist 2.0

Fixtures aren't fun. Machinist is.

1.914.637 Descargas

seamless_database_pool 1.0.20

Add support for master/slave database database clusters in ActiveRecord to improve perf...

456.841 Descargas

geokit-rails3 0.1.5

Port of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Rails 3, as a gem

418.965 Descargas

birthday 0.3.1

Birthday gem creates convienent methods for date and datetime fields in ActiveRecord, m...

399.168 Descargas

activerecord-mysql-adapter 0.0.1

An ActiveRecord adapter for MySQL, based on mysql gem.

174.945 Descargas

dbd-mysql 0.4.4

MySQL DBI DBD, Leverages 'mysql' low-level driver

115.698 Descargas

tagtical 1.6.2

Tagtical allows you do create subclasses for Tag and add additional functionality in an...

114.006 Descargas

rails-bigint-pk 1.2.0

Rails-bigint-pk modifies Rails so that it uses 64-bit primary and f...

92.571 Descargas

loose_tight_dictionary 1.0.5

DEPRECATED: use fuzzy_match instead. Find a needle in a haystack using string similarit...

85.020 Descargas

mysql_truck 0.6.6

Mysql database backup tool. Dumps/Loads to/from S3.

82.501 Descargas

spatial_adapter 1.3.1

Provides enhancements to ActiveRecord to handle spatial datatypes in PostgreSQL and...

82.223 Descargas

redhillonrails_core 1.2.0

Adds support in ActiveRecord for foreign_keys, complex indexes and other database-relat...

76.745 Descargas

activerecord-mysqlspatial-adapter 0.4.1

This is an ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL Spatial Extensions. It is based on...

62.789 Descargas

active_record_calculator 1.0.0

active_record_calculator does groupable aggregate functions in one sql call for better ...

62.149 Descargas

automatic_foreign_key 1.3.0

Automatic Foreign Key automatically generates foreign-key constraints when creating tab...

59.014 Descargas

lifeboat 0.6.3

sends messages to SQS

56.453 Descargas


Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

52.196 Descargas

active_record_to_simpledb 0.3.3

It sends ActiveRecord objets to SimpleDB using Resque

51.339 Descargas

dateslices 0.0.4

A Rails 4 ActiveRecord plugin that adds group_by_day, group_by_month, etc. Not timezone...

46.316 Descargas

copperegg-apm 1.0.0.pre17

CopperEgg Application Performance Monitoring

46.288 Descargas

insxsync 1.1.0

Synchronizes data and configurations between development machines and My1HR's proprieta...

44.762 Descargas

semantically-taggable 0.4.3

Based really very heavily on acts_as_taggable_on, but introduces tagging schemes and mo...

44.696 Descargas

manqod-server 1.287.0

Manqod is a desktop application for small companies to organize their data on an interf...

44.447 Descargas

weighted_average 2.0.2

Perform weighted averages, even across associations. Rails 3 only because it uses ARel.

44.011 Descargas


Connect to MYSQL more easily

43.801 Descargas

distributed_mutex 1.1.7

Framework for using a distributed mutex along with an implementation of a mutex stored ...

43.533 Descargas

wontomedia 1.0.7

WontoMedia is a Ruby-on-Rails web app for community creation of an information cl...

42.567 Descargas

rmybackup 0.3.7

Ruby mysql backup script, the script uses mysqldump from the system

40.919 Descargas

sortifiable 0.2.8

This gem provides an acts_as_list compatible capability for sorting and reordering a nu...

38.674 Descargas

Total de descargas 9.895.466

Para esta versión 5.626.039



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.8.7
