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numo-narray 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 numo-narray

informers 0.2.0

State-of-the-art natural language processing for Ruby

2,084,739 下载

rumale-core 0.29.0

Rumale::Core provides base classes and utility functions for implementing machine learn...

387,885 下载

rumale-clustering 0.29.0

Rumale::Clustering provides cluster analysis algorithms, such as K-Means, Gaussian Mixt...

384,292 下载

npy 0.3.0

Save and load NumPy npy and npz files in Ruby

333,545 下载

rover-df 0.3.4

Simple, powerful data frames for Ruby

186,172 下载

dicom 0.9.8

DICOM is a standard widely used throughout the world to store and transfer medical imag...

171,935 下载

rumale 0.29.0

Rumale is a machine learning library in Ruby. Rumale provides machine learning algorith...

168,327 下载

ruby-dnn 1.3.0

ruby-dnn is a ruby deep learning library.

156,661 下载

numpy 0.4.0

Numpy wrapper for Ruby

143,282 下载

disco 0.4.1

Recommendations for Ruby and Rails using collaborative filtering

142,961 下载

prophet-rb 0.5.1

Time series forecasting for Ruby

92,243 下载

ffi-gdal 1.0.4

FFI wrapper for GDAL/OGR.

55,630 下载

lbfgsb 0.5.2

Lbfgsb.rb is a Ruby binding for L-BFGS-B that is a limited-memory algorithm for solving...

53,147 下载

numo-linalg 0.1.7

Ruby/Numo Linear Algebra library with interface to BLAS/LAPACK.

48,794 下载


GR framework - the graphics library for visualisation - for Ruby

48,464 下载

faiss 0.3.1

Efficient similarity search and clustering for Ruby

44,764 下载

numo-gsl 0.1.2

Numo::GSL development version.

42,162 下载

cumo 0.4.3

Cumo is CUDA aware numerical library whose interface is highly compatible with Ruby Numo.

36,409 下载

machine_learning_workbench 0.8.0

This workbench holds a collection of machine learning methods in Ruby. Rather than spec...

33,901 下载

numo-liblinear 2.3.0

Numo::Liblinear is a Ruby gem binding to the LIBLINEAR library. LIBLINEAR is one of the...

28,208 下载

numo-libsvm 2.2.0

Numo::Libsvm is a Ruby gem binding to the LIBSVM library. LIBSVM is one of the famous l...

25,985 下载

rumale-evaluation_measure 0.29.0

Rumale::EvaluationMeasure provides evaluation measures, such as accuracy, precision, re...

24,002 下载

gray_scott_gtk3 0.5.8

Reaction diffusion system (Gray-Scott model).

23,485 下载

rumale-preprocessing 0.29.0

Rumale::Preprocessing provides preprocessing techniques, such as L2 normalization, stan...

21,128 下载

rumale-linear_model 0.29.0

Rumale::LinearModel provides linear model algorithms, such as Logistic Regression, Supp...

20,698 下载

rumale-model_selection 0.29.0

Rumale::ModelSelection provides model validation techniques, such as k-fold cross-valid...

20,610 下载

rumale-tree 0.29.0

Rumale::Tree provides classifier and regression based on decision tree algorithms with ...

20,583 下载

rumale-ensemble 0.29.0

Rumale::Ensemble provides ensemble learning algorithms, such as AdaBoost, Gradient Tree...

20,466 下载

rumale-feature_extraction 0.29.0

Rumale::FeatureExtraction provides feature extraction methods, such as TF-IDF and featu...

20,424 下载

rumale-nearest_neighbors 0.29.0

Rumale::NearestNeighbors provides classifier and regression based on nearest neighbors ...

20,398 下载

下载总量 3,552,774

这个版本 1,134,972



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.2
