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rdf-spec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rdf-spec

rdf 3.3.1

RDF.rb is a pure-Ruby library for working with Resource Description Framework (RDF) data.

3,126,237 下載

json-ld 3.3.1

JSON::LD parses and serializes JSON-LD into RDF and implements expansion, compaction an...

2,339,652 下載

ebnf 2.5.0

EBNF is a Ruby parser for W3C EBNF and a parser generator for PEG and LL(1). Also inclu...

1,010,023 下載

rdf-xsd 3.3.0

Adds RDF::Literal subclasses for extended XSD datatypes with methods for many XPath and...

928,626 下載

rdf-turtle 3.3.1

RDF::Turtle is an Turtle reader/writer for the RDF.rb library suite.

916,253 下載

rdf-rdfxml 3.3.0

RDF::RDFXML is an RDF/XML reader and writer for the RDF.rb library suite.

915,658 下載

rdf-normalize 0.7.0

RDF::Normalize performs Dataset Canonicalization for RDF.rb.

911,685 下載

rdf-rdfa 3.3.0

RDF::RDFa is an RDFa reader/writer for Ruby using the RDF.rb library suite.

907,736 下載

sparql-client 3.3.0

Executes SPARQL queries and updates against a remote SPARQL 1.0 or 1.1 endpoint, ...

869,821 下載

rdf-aggregate-repo 3.3.0

A gem extending RDF.rb with SPARQL dataset construction semantics.

765,242 下載

sparql 3.3.1

SPARQL Implements SPARQL 1.1 Query, Update and result formats for the Ruby RDF.rb libra...

753,695 下載

rdf-isomorphic 3.3.0

RDF.rb extension for graph bijections and isomorphic equivalence.

728,120 下載

rdf-n3 3.3.0

RDF::N3 is an Notation-3 reader/writer and reasoner for the RDF.rb library suite.

711,240 下載

rdf-microdata 3.3.0

Reads HTML Microdata as RDF.

660,659 下載

linkeddata 3.3.1

A metadistribution of RDF.rb including a full set of parsing/serialization plugins.

655,366 下載

rdf-trig 3.3.0

RDF::TriG is an TriG reader/writer for the RDF.rb library suite.

629,989 下載

rdf-json 3.3.0

RDF.rb extension for parsing/serializing RDF/JSON data.

621,507 下載

rdf-trix 3.3.0

RDF.rb extension for parsing/serializing TriX data.

595,239 下載

rdf-reasoner 0.9.0

Reasons over RDFS/OWL vocabularies to generate statements which are entailed based on b...

549,662 下載

rdf-tabular 3.3.0

RDF::Tabular processes tabular data with metadata creating RDF or JSON output.

509,675 下載

ld-patch 3.3.0

Implements the W3C Linked Data Patch Format and operations for RDF.rb. Makes use of...

451,279 下載

shex 0.8.0

Implements ShExC and ShEx JSON.

427,336 下載

active-triples 1.2.0

ActiveTriples provides tools for modeling RDF as discrete resources.

413,159 下載

shacl 0.4.1

SHACL is an Shape Constraint engine for the Ruby RDF.rb library suite.

247,761 下載

rdf-ordered-repo 3.3.0

An in-memory implementation of RDF::Repository using native Ruby Hashes having insert-o...

247,585 下載

rdf-hamster-repo 3.3.0

An in-memory implementation of RDF::Repository using an efficient, immutable, and threa...

146,439 下載

yaml-ld 0.0.3

YAML_LD parses and serializes YAML-LD into RDF and implements expansion, compaction and...

112,549 下載

spira 3.3.0

Spira is a framework for using the information in RDF.rb repositories as model objects.

99,210 下載

rdf-raptor 3.2.0

RDF.rb plugin for parsing/serializing NTriples, RDF/XML, Turtle and RDFa data using the...

78,804 下載

rdf-ldp 2.1.0

Implements a Linked Data Platform domain model, Rack middleware for server implementers...

70,109 下載

總下載次數 138,297

這個版本 487



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0
