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rolify 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rolify

cats_core 1.5.31

This rails engine represents the core module for CATS applications

260,095 下載

paid_up 0.13.21

Allows a model of your choosing (such as users) to subscribe to a plan, which enables f...

182,183 下載

message_train 0.7.6

Rails 4 & 5 Engine providing private and public messaging for any object, such as U...

137,030 下載

g5_authenticatable 1.1.4

An engine that provides a basic User model, authentication logic, and remote credential...

123,781 下載

jobshop 0.0.179

An Open Source Manufacturing Execution System

88,183 下載

uffizzi_core 2.4.8


67,899 下載

active_application 0.3.1

Application framework for Rails

40,669 下載


Part of MokshaCms, providing core functionality, including internationalization

31,696 下載

friendly_id-method_scopes 0.3.7

FriendlyId Extension to allow method scopes, in addition to column and relationship sco...

21,875 下載

date_book 0.1.4

Rails 5 Engine to give users their own calendars of events.

16,880 下載

scoped_rolify 0.0.7

This is a monkey patch of rolify, and add new methods

15,866 下載

netzlabor_generators 0.0.5

just a test

12,223 下載

revelry_auth 0.0.1

Authentication and authorization for Revelry toolkit apps using Devise, Rolify and Pundit.

9,329 下載


Make avaiable to your users for login with Devise or Facebook, and manage them and your...

8,966 下載

cortex 0.1.3

An API-driven multitenant identity, custom content distribution/management and reportin...

6,356 下載

o_cms 0.5.0

Easily extend your application with Pages, Post and Image Library, customisable to suit...

6,188 下載

uffizzi-core 0.1.13


1,766 下載

auxilium 3.0.31

Utility classes that are to small to warrant a own gem for now.

1,318 下載

總下載次數 16,748,831

這個版本 1,405,738



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
