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sentry-raven 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 sentry-raven

resque-sentry 1.2.0

A failure backend for Resque that sends events to Sentry

2,442,087 下載

dapp 0.36.32

Build docker packaged apps using chef or shell

932,896 下載

catarse_pagarme 3.0.1 engine for catarse

390,758 下載

lamian 1.8.0

Add logs to your error messages, using exception_notifier or smth like it

301,049 下載

aws-xray 0.39.0

The unofficial X-Ray Tracing SDK for Ruby.

254,100 下載

qless 0.12.0

`qless` is meant to be a performant alternative to other queueing systems, with statist...

205,760 下載

quiz_api_client 4.16.1

Ruby client for quiz_api

156,859 下載

sapience 3.0

Hasslefree autoconfiguration for logging, metrics and exception collection.

138,677 下載

plogger 0.10.0

Provides a standard way to generate logs in the application.

129,072 下載

raven-transports-fluentd 0.3.0

Send error logs to sentry via fluentd.

120,570 下載

blouson 2.0.0

Filter tools to mask sensitive data in various logs

94,206 下載

fluent-plugin-sentry 0.0.5

Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry. Sentry i...

91,780 下載

txcatcher 0.2.14

Currently, the only job of this gem is to collect all new Bitcoin/Litecoin transactions...

76,811 下載

dataduck 1.2.3

A straightforward, effective ETL framework.

64,837 下載

bricolage-streamingload 0.17.2

Bricolage Streaming Load Daemon loads S3 data files to Redshift continuously.

60,295 下載

commit-live-cli 0.1.9

Commit Live command line interface.

60,185 下載

reevoo_sapience 3.0

Centralizd sapience configuration for Reevoo Ltd. See for more information

49,552 下載

rspecq 0.7.2

Optimally distribute and run RSpec suites among parallel workers; for faster CI builds

45,426 下載

eivo-rails-api 0.1.14


42,301 下載

elasticsearch_s3_backup 2.0.7

Backs up ElasticSearch to S3

41,163 下載

fluent-plugin-sentry-rubrik 0.0.16

Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry. Sentry i...

40,612 下載

unlimit 0.0.9

Test your iOS projects on device despite the 100 device limit, by automatically switchi...

39,498 下載

event-reporting-handler 0.1.16

Chef handler to send events to http url. Also sends chef run failures to sentry

33,000 下載

eivo-rails 0.1.12

EIVO Rails

32,104 下載

upstreamstatus 0.4.2

Parse the output of the Nginx Upstream Check plugin

32,022 下載

sentry_real_ip 1.1.2

Middleware to tell Sentry the real IP of our HTTP clients.

29,620 下載

sidekiq_metered_exceptions 0.4.2

Some exceptions are transient, so notifying an admin is not useful.

26,017 下載

adhearsion-reporter 2.3.1

Report Adhearsion application exceptions and deployments to: Airbrake / Errbit Email N...

25,556 下載

sentry-raven-in_memory_async_sender 0.1.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

25,230 下載

trop 0.8.6

trop is support

25,177 下載

總下載次數 101,551,786

這個版本 23,690,004



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3
