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simplecov-json 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 simplecov-json

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4,273,947 下载

splitclient-rb 8.4.0

Ruby client for using split SDK.

4,273,947 下载

rspec-sonarqube-formatter 1.5.0

Generates an XML report that the SonarQube Generic Test Data parser can understand

712,822 下载

active_campaign 0.1.16

A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API

521,526 下载

corundum 0.6.3

A corundum is a synthetic gemstone - including synthetic rubies. Ergo: a tool for sy...

157,205 下载

sapience 3.0

Hasslefree autoconfiguration for logging, metrics and exception collection.

138,384 下载

peatio 3.1.1

Peatio gem contains microservices and command line tools

129,557 下载

ci_toolkit 1.6.4

Set of tools making it easier to interact between Github PRs and Bitrise CI

85,984 下载

inst_access 0.4.2

Generation, parsing, and validation of Instructure access tokens

74,185 下载

fauna 3.0.0

Ruby driver for FaunaDB.

64,284 下载

nmea_plus 1.0.25

A pure-ruby parser and decoder toolkit for NMEA messages (GPS, AIS, and other similar f...

62,656 下载

reevoo_sapience 3.0

Centralizd sapience configuration for Reevoo Ltd. See for more information

49,437 下载

stf-client 0.3.0

Request devices from Smartphone Test Farm for adb connection

39,509 下载

irix 2.6.0

Irix is implementing several crypto-exchange for Arke and Peatio.

38,606 下载

rb-net_http-client 1.6.0

A Simple Ruby HTTP Client built on top of the Ruby Net HTTP standard library.

33,467 下载

quinoa 0.0.13

Quinoa is a light and nutritive framework that allows automate service level tests usin...

26,106 下载

evil_events 0.5.0

Ultra simple, but very flexible and fully customizable event subsystem for ruby applica...

24,753 下载

bigid_bgcheck 1.1.0

A library to use BigData Corps background check features

22,735 下载

danger-rcov 3.0.0

Plugin that allows code coverage print

22,361 下载

eventception 0.1.0

A lightweight and simple Ruby Event System inspired on Symfony Event Dispatcher.

21,391 下载

archimate 2.2.1

A collection of tools for working with ArchiMate files from Archi

19,488 下载

qat-devel 9.0.0

QAT Devel is a tool for executing common tasks in the development of QAT modules: -...

17,733 下载

circle_ci_wrapper 0.0.6

CircleCI API wrapper

17,298 下载

stub_requests 0.1.11

An abstraction on top of WebMock to build stubbed HTTP requests

17,122 下载

sleeping_king_studios-tasks 0.4.1

Toolkit providing an encapsulation layer around the Thor CLI library, with predefined t...

17,009 下载

skalera-services 0.2.5

Helper gem to handle services in consul.

16,016 下载

simplecov-shield-json 1.0.1

{Shield JSON formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+}

15,842 下载

reload-attribute 0.2.0

Provides ActiveRecord instances with a method to re-fetch specific attributes from the ...

14,235 下载

leipreachan 1.1.2

Backup and restore your database as simple as posible.

12,856 下载

prism_qa 0.2.2

Prism helps you split your apps and your design document into visible components. Its ...

11,923 下载

下载总量 13,583,110

这个版本 8,089,427



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
