RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para unicode_utils La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren unicode_utils

strings 0.2.1

A set of methods for working with strings such as align, truncate, wrap and many more.

29.736.581 Descargas

sort_alphabetical 1.1.0

Sort UTF8 Strings alphabetical via Enumerable extension

15.825.194 Descargas

coolline 0.5.0

A readline-like library that allows to change how the input is displayed.

3.915.882 Descargas

gollum-lib 6.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

2.682.789 Descargas

gollum-lib 6.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

2.682.789 Descargas

avatarly 1.6.1

Avatarly is a simple gem for Ruby that creates gmail-like avatars with initials, inspir...

542.338 Descargas

verse 0.5.0

Text transformations such as truncation, wrapping, aligning, indentation and grouping o...

394.081 Descargas

i18n_country_select 1.2.1

A simple country code select helper that works with I18n translations.

375.821 Descargas

tf-idf-similarity 0.3.0

Calculates the similarity between texts using tf*idf

360.152 Descargas

ayadn 4.0.3 command-line client: toolbox to access and manage your ADN data, show your stre...

225.811 Descargas

fonemas 0.7.9

Creación de fonemas para ser utilizadas en el reconocimiento de voz con cmu sphinx

222.207 Descargas

biodiversity19 3.1.7

Tools for biodiversity informatics

199.772 Descargas

unicode_titlecase 0.0.2

Gem to enable easy title casing of strings containing Unicode text.

189.849 Descargas

mongoid_fulltext 0.8.2

Full-text search for the Mongoid ORM, using n-grams extracted from text.

146.616 Descargas

hdo-storting-importer 0.6.0

Gem to process data from

144.638 Descargas

punkt-segmenter 0.9.1

Ruby port of the NLTK Punkt sentence segmentation algorithm

128.407 Descargas

kyanite 0.8.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

121.756 Descargas

iso_3166 0.1.1

Utility class to deal with ISO3166 country codes, names and number

92.908 Descargas

flickru 0.6.5

Command-line tool that automatises photo/video uploads to Flickr. Entering 'flickru

91.554 Descargas

lcbo 1.5.0

Request and parse product, store, inventory, and product search pages directly from the...

87.377 Descargas

sexmachine 0.1.0

Get gender from first name.

85.207 Descargas

name-spotter 0.3.4

The gem searches for scientific names in texts using socket server...

82.797 Descargas

tckimlikdogrulama 0.2.5

Ad, Soyad, TCKimlikNo ve DogumYili ile Dogrulama Yapar

74.355 Descargas

evil-front 0.5.1

Helpers, Sass mixins and JS shortcuts from Evil Martians

67.200 Descargas

lolita-i18n 0.6.0

Lolita plugin, that enables .yml files management from administrative interface. Also f...

63.691 Descargas

tzispa_helpers 0.3.6

Module Helpers for Tzispa framework

55.482 Descargas

callcredit 1.0.0

Ruby wrapper for Callcredit's CallValidate API

44.431 Descargas

rfc_facil 1.2.3

Libreria para calcular el Registro Federal de Contribuyentes en México (RFC).

41.227 Descargas

wasserstand 0.0.11

Unofficial Ruby wrapper for Pegel Online

34.685 Descargas

couch-shell 0.0.8

A shell to interact with a CouchDB server.

33.152 Descargas

Total de descargas 84.117.487

Para esta versión 83.900.564



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.1
