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vault 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 vault

chef 18.4.12

A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...

24,565,852 下載

chef 18.4.12

A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration managemen...

24,565,852 下載

confidante 0.28.0

A configuration engine combining environment variables, programmatic overrides and the ...

690,093 下載

vault-rails 0.9.0

Official Vault plugin for Rails

475,491 下載

hiera-vault 0.2.2

Hiera backend for looking up secrets stored in Vault

368,074 下載

sambot 0.1.229

# Sambot Sambot is our internal Platform Engineering toolchain to help standardize and...

295,431 下載

secrets_cli 1.12.3

This is a CLI for easier use of

180,525 下載

configuration_service-provider-vault 3.3.1

A HashiCorp Vault provider for the Configuration Service

143,887 下載

sanctum 0.9.2

Syncs encrypted content from the filesystem to the Vault secrets store.

126,308 下載

ecs_compose 0.1.0.pre46

An interace to the Amazon EC2 Container Service that works vaguely like docker-compose,...

82,056 下載

sfn-vault 0.1.4

SparkleFormation Vault Callback

46,276 下載

consult 0.11.0

Manage consul/vault backed template files in Ruby.

44,444 下載

rake_vault 0.2.0

Allows logging into and interacting with Hashicorp Vault.

36,642 下載

constancy 0.5.0

Syncs content from the filesystem to the Consul KV store.

28,671 下載

vault-transit 0.1.1

Ruby API client for interacting with the Vault Transit secret backend

23,182 下載

add-vault-tokens 0.2.6

Given a master vault token, issue short-lived, per-application tokens to each app in a ...

22,325 下載

secret_garden 0.2.2

Provide secrets either via ENV or fall back to secure backends like vault

21,553 下載

vault-provision 0.1.12

Provisioning utility for HashiCorp's Vault

21,326 下載

rahasia 0.0.2

Wrapper encryption gem

20,494 下載

settings_reader-vault_resolver 0.5.0

This gem works as a resolver for `settings_reader` gem. \ Any v...

19,183 下載

secretfile 1.0.4

Define secret mapping in a Secretfile, pulling from either ENV or Hashicorp Vault.

18,127 下載

sensu-plugins-vault 0.0.2

Sensu Vault plugins

14,229 下載

foreman_vault 2.0.0

Adds support for using credentials from Hashicorp Vault

12,911 下載

vault-update 1.1.5

Safely updates a Vault secret while also keeping history.

12,746 下載

legion-crypt 1.2.0

A gem used by the LegionIO framework for encryption

11,366 下載

vaml 0.2.2

Get your secrets from vault

11,182 下載

smart_proxy_vault 0.4.2

Authenticates a client & returns a Vault token

10,966 下載

rubyconfig-vault 1.0.6

Implements a ruby config source from vault

9,340 下載

easy_conf 1.0.0

EasyConf is a gem for reading configurations either from yaml files or from environment...

8,935 下載

rails-vault-jwt 0.2.1

Provides rails concerns for validating vault-issued JWT tokens

7,787 下載

總下載次數 45,746,967

這個版本 2,513,477



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0
