RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour minitest-rails-capybara Latest version of the following gems require minitest-rails-capybara

express_admin 1.8.1

ExpressAdmin is the admin menu framework used by, ExpressBlog, etc.

155 664 Téléchargements

faalis 2.2.1

Faalis is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web applic...

136 019 Téléchargements

sketchily 4.0.1

Sketchily adds another form input tag to your application designed to allow the user to...

47 195 Téléchargements

cardboard_cms 0.3.1

Rails CMS made simple

19 154 Téléchargements

simple_dragonfly_preview 0.0.7

Adds an image preview to your forms

18 828 Téléchargements

mongosteen 0.2.0

Mongosteen is a library that helps to easily add RESTful actions to mongoid models with...

17 570 Téléchargements

currentuser-services 0.2.3

Offsite sign up and sign in forms for

16 100 Téléchargements

rails_codebook 0.1.1

Codebook solution we all use in our projects

14 876 Téléchargements

web47command 0.1.0

Support the execution and recordation of running commands in a shell

12 833 Téléchargements

thincloud-test-rails 1.0.0

Opinionated testing framework dependencies and configuration for Rails applications.

10 929 Téléchargements

bbs 1.1.0

Description of Bbs.

10 150 Téléchargements

rails_admin_json_translate 0.3.1

json_translate tabbed interface and custom field type for rails_admin.

8 937 Téléchargements

simple_form_nested_fields 0.3.0

Dynamically create and remove nested fields with simple_form

8 425 Téléchargements

bigmouth 0.0.2

WORK IN PROGRESS: You should not use unless you are far too kind to contribute for the ...

6 542 Téléchargements

bloggable 0.2.2

Add a blog to orgs or users or whatever

6 106 Téléchargements

handsome_fencer_test 0.1.2

engine for common adminstration cases.

5 380 Téléchargements

linkifier 0.0.0

Enables other rails applications to register Linkify resources and remotely update Link...

3 825 Téléchargements

buttafly 0.0.1

Upload a spreadsheet, map its headers to your columns, and create database objects with...

3 737 Téléchargements

oridomi-rails 1.0.0

OriDomi, bundled for the Rails 3.0 and up

3 653 Téléchargements

simple_form_dependent_fields 0.1.0

Show or hide dependent fields in forms based on checkboxes, radios and selects.

3 582 Téléchargements

doubleoptin 0.2.2

Rails Engine for collecting subscribers to a mailing list

3 446 Téléchargements

method_draw 0.0.1

MethodDraw adds another form input tag to your application designed to allow the user t...

3 222 Téléchargements

galleriable 0.1.0

Rails engine that allows you to add photos, and galleries of photos, to galleriable mod...

2 630 Téléchargements

underworld 1.0.0

Underworld is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web ap...

2 519 Téléchargements

embed_view 0.1.0

Embed partial inline into your views to increase performance of rendering.

2 299 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 1 366 320

Pour cette version 218 636



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
