RubyGems Navigation menu

minitest-rails-capybara 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 minitest-rails-capybara

express_admin 1.8.1

ExpressAdmin is the admin menu framework used by, ExpressBlog, etc.

155,663 下載

faalis 2.2.1

Faalis is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web applic...

136,018 下載

sketchily 4.0.1

Sketchily adds another form input tag to your application designed to allow the user to...

47,195 下載

cardboard_cms 0.3.1

Rails CMS made simple

19,154 下載

simple_dragonfly_preview 0.0.7

Adds an image preview to your forms

18,828 下載

mongosteen 0.2.0

Mongosteen is a library that helps to easily add RESTful actions to mongoid models with...

17,570 下載

currentuser-services 0.2.3

Offsite sign up and sign in forms for

16,100 下載

rails_codebook 0.1.1

Codebook solution we all use in our projects

14,876 下載

web47command 0.1.0

Support the execution and recordation of running commands in a shell

12,833 下載

thincloud-test-rails 1.0.0

Opinionated testing framework dependencies and configuration for Rails applications.

10,929 下載

bbs 1.1.0

Description of Bbs.

10,150 下載

rails_admin_json_translate 0.3.1

json_translate tabbed interface and custom field type for rails_admin.

8,937 下載

simple_form_nested_fields 0.3.0

Dynamically create and remove nested fields with simple_form

8,421 下載

bigmouth 0.0.2

WORK IN PROGRESS: You should not use unless you are far too kind to contribute for the ...

6,542 下載

bloggable 0.2.2

Add a blog to orgs or users or whatever

6,103 下載

handsome_fencer_test 0.1.2

engine for common adminstration cases.

5,380 下載

linkifier 0.0.0

Enables other rails applications to register Linkify resources and remotely update Link...

3,825 下載

buttafly 0.0.1

Upload a spreadsheet, map its headers to your columns, and create database objects with...

3,737 下載

oridomi-rails 1.0.0

OriDomi, bundled for the Rails 3.0 and up

3,653 下載

simple_form_dependent_fields 0.1.0

Show or hide dependent fields in forms based on checkboxes, radios and selects.

3,581 下載

doubleoptin 0.2.2

Rails Engine for collecting subscribers to a mailing list

3,446 下載

method_draw 0.0.1

MethodDraw adds another form input tag to your application designed to allow the user t...

3,222 下載

galleriable 0.1.0

Rails engine that allows you to add photos, and galleries of photos, to galleriable mod...

2,630 下載

underworld 1.0.0

Underworld is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web ap...

2,519 下載

embed_view 0.1.0

Embed partial inline into your views to increase performance of rendering.

2,299 下載

總下載次數 1,366,295

這個版本 218,620



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
